

⭐️FEATURES⭐️ - Pumps are used extensively in agriculture to move water from the water source, which could be a river, dam or bore, through pipes to either a point of usage or a storage facility such as water tank or an irrigation system  - A pump is defined as a system that is used to move liquid.

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⭐️SPECIFICATIONS⭐️  - Model : HZN25C - Diameter : 25mm - Length : 2m  - AMPL : 0.8mm - Weight : 6kg - Voltage : 220V , 1P, 50HZ
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⭐️FEATURES⭐️  - The torque generated by engine or electric motor is transferred to reciprocating motion by crank gear, which will pass it on vibrating foot (shoe) through spring cylinder - Wear-resistant compaction steel base provides long lasting durability and better compaction finish. - Durable rotor assembly and clutch pulley assembly saves maintenance cost.

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⭐️DESCRIPTIONS⭐️ - This Portable mini concrete mixer well suit for the use of sub-contract building/house, small renovation works.  - This concrete mixer can be fill up to half bag of cement along with sand, water and other aggregates to produce well mixed concrete cement.

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  • Wear-resistant compaction steel base provides long lasting durability and better compaction finish.

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